So, Brian and I booked our tickets on Sunday for Vegas. We fly in noonish on April 8th and we will stay a week. We are thinking most people will only stay through the weekend so that will give us a few days to be NEWLYWEDS!!! Yipee.
Also, I think we have a plan for the dinner/after party (aka reception). We think we are going to go ahead and have the dinner at the Garden Paradise Buffet at the Flamingo post-ceremony (there was some debate about this recently). After dinner, we will head to a house that either my parents or Brian's will rent for the after-party. The after party will include music, cake, dancing, and...boozing for those of ya'll that would enjoy it. Then those of us who want to pull an all-nighter can go back out to the strip! Let us know what you think if you are so inclined!
Also....I bought my dress!
Oh, and if you are up for staying with friends/family and saving some moolah in Vegas, check out renting a house. You can get a really nice house for just as much (or less) for what you'd pay for a hotel. Plus you would have all the amenities, your own space, and room for more than a couple people. Check out, and make sure you stay within 5-10 minutes of the strip so you are easily accessible to us! :-)
Lets see...what else is new...well, off the wedding subject, I am almost done filling out secondary applications for medical school. Most require somewhere between 1-7 essays, so I've been spending my summer writing those while taking some summer classes.
Brian is studying for his ACSM exam to become a certified personal trainer! He is really stoked. He will also be taking classes this Fall term at the community college down here. When I graduate in December, we will be moving up to my moms where I will (hopefully) get a full-time job as a pharmacy technician (oh yeah, I have to start studying for that exam, too!)
Anyways, we will keep you posted as wedding plans move along. It's getting much closer! ;-)
Hope everyone is doing awesome!